Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru

Okuma Ve Yazma Becerileri 2 2014 - 2015 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: Snumavalısorula aşagıda parçaya gore cevaplayınız (SETTING RWD OF A LEGEND (1ı In pası cenıurıes farmers m lhe Alps had good reason (o shield and keep mev natural surroundıngs clean Many ıawes passed down through me gsneıaııons, and none was about mountaın kıng: enne country, tyranl rulers' or suR—heaned Snow wwe but abaullhose who dımed the hamıaıand would become vıcııms of me 'Schnabelpercmen" These huge ammaws wvlh sharp beaks cut open the sıomachs of careless farmers and poured ın me waste "M had created (zı Essemıaw m me past perhaps! such vngmenıng sıurıes are not necessary lor encouragıngcoday'sAıpme ıarmersıo preserve me land Theymııyunderstandmaıagncuımraw melhods Whıch cripgle che enwmnmem wıll create a Iong-(erm economwc cnsrs People, especıally hwng ın Elamange Dvslnct oithe Aîps' who are anarcuhural, also belıeve Mms cnsws occurs! " wıII not weed people (o try other easy ways to make money as they are snvıronmem conscious and have a strong wıH lu nm many mher ways ınaı newp 'armers lu produce They know that Nthey do nm protect ıhe land. ıheır crops ww do poorwy and the magnmcenımpıne scenerysa ımponanı for me wocar lourıst mdustry-WHI be rumed Even w there wıllbe no changeınthe vayueonhe soıl's chermcals' the farmers who can dıe for me" wands WIH go on lrymg to develop me agrıcuuure (3) Over the cemunes' Alpme (armmg has heîped suslam wıldhîe and Vegelahon In the mounıams u has promoted veHeys and preserved me naıuraı beauues of me Awps Mosı peuple agree msı Alpme agncuııure should be promoted |D heip safeguard the naıuraı surruundmgs whereas there are some whomınk melihey showu noııry to and iorewgn suppon and make an overall plan wun ms applıcalıon ol those who want to get support, The European Commwşşron ws plannmg (o buıld specıaW facwnes and hold ıraımng programs ıo newp farmers carry Dul enwmnmenm cumvauon The! 15. mese ıacmnes and lraınmg programs ww help mem geı beher vegeıabwes and (runs m [he harvest 1. “Schnabeıperchten” were .. A) mounlam kıngs ın Swwtzerîand 5) ıyram rulers onhe Awpıne msıncı o) nıckname ofSnow Whıte D) many stones passed down lhrough years E) gıemcreeıures wnh sharp beaks
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