Organızatıonal Behavıor Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #961638

Which stage of conflict do violence, infighting, sabotage, physical Intimidation, lack of communication and open aggression belong to?


Conflict Aftermath




Yanıt Açıklaması:

Manifest Conflict: The fourth stage is the stage where the conflict becomes visible. Partners show a clear conflictful behavior, such as open aggression. Which behavior accepted as conflictful depends on the culture of organization and the perception of the conflict partners. If the behavior is against the norms of the culture and people perceive it to be conflicftul, then manifest conflict can be called for the reactions or statements of the partners. The second criteria to call the behavior as conflictful, partners consciously prefer to behave like that. The purpose of the behavior is to frustrate or block the other’s attainment of his/ her goal. Here are the some forms of manifest conflict:

  • Violence

  • Infighting

  • Sabotage

  • Physical Intimidation

  • Lack of communication

  • Open agression

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