Özel Öğretim Yöntemleri 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı 18.Soru

Özel Öğretim Yöntemleri 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı 18.Soru
transkript: 13. A language ıeacner puts ıhe students m groups and asswgn mem an actıvıty Then he realızes that one or the groups m the classroom nmsnes theır ıask early wmıe (he others arejusl hau way through the aclwwly. Which ol the following would be the most ble action for the teacher İrı [is 5 nation? A) S(oppmg ıhe whore actıvıly and movıng on [0 the next 0715 E) Askıng mıs gmup ıo wan im the omeıs snemıy (:) Provıdıng ıms group wılh an exlensıon acuwıy D) Ignorıng (hıs group and dealmg Wıth me oıhers E) Pushıng me others ıu msn as qurckly as pussıble
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