Pedagojik Gramer 1 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı 10.Soru

Pedagojik Gramer 1 2015 - 2016 Ara Sınavı 10.Soru
transkript: ııı . 17. soruları asağıdakı parcaya göre cevaplayınıı. A smart board ...10... 35 a developed rspıacemem ov a ıradmonaw cvemead projector Smce lhe second nan nf the 905. smart boards 1 . popular m many educauonaı ınsmuuons Among many advamages. (hey ımprove several sknls by ...12... hands'on coHaborauon A sman board awso auows many dıfferent types oı medıa — mawudmg photos maps. gamesa and Vıdeo — 3... lt 45 capabîe of .. 4. awatform for students lo demonstrate lhewr understanding of a subjecl through ıuuchıng and wntıng în addmun 5. (hem ıs easy wıth a specıaw pen. and (he dala cın (he screen ...ıs... usıng a dedıcated mgmıgmmg pen Fınally. smart boards enabwe weamers 7. a comprehenswe database ov onune resowces on me same screen A) was deüned E) aennes C) ıs defımng D) ıs denned E) nenned
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