Pedagojik Gramer 2 2012 - 2013 Ara Sınavı 13.Soru

Pedagojik Gramer 2 2012 - 2013 Ara Sınavı 13.Soru
transkript: 0 numaralı soruları aşa da 9 e cevaplayınıı The governmems ooHecı maney crom cmzens through laxes. ...13... we smmm grasp from the term “mcome tax" as the (ax coîlecled Dn wages end sawenes wnhemance (ax is cowıecıed n ...14... gecme ınnerıı (rom others Cusıoms or exercwse duues have lo be paıd on goods imporled vrom omer counmes, Vawue added ıax ıs & tax pan! on most goods and servmes ...15... mey are bought or purchased Compames pay mrporation (ax on meır proMs ,..16... you pay too much ıax, you should be gwen some money back 17... m governments also pay ouı money m peopwe in need as a fact o! devewoped countries Every counıry has Ns own speciaw currency Every day me rales of exchange are publıshed and you can dıscover, lor exampwe, ...1s... the current raıes are " ws me board o! directors ...19... decmes what to buy and wnaı ıo mvest on. They should be paid a reguîar dividend on lheir investment ...zo,.. mere >s some prom made by the company 13. Aı How &) That c) wnaı m When E) Whom
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