Pedagojik Gramer 2 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 6.Soru

Pedagojik Gramer 2 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 6.Soru
transkript: S. Last year, one D' our guests hurt himself while touring me cıty; umnnunately, he dıed because me health care was insufficient. " he . . enough medical aıd, he . As a result, me guesıs w expect us to be able to handle any situation. n's our responsı ty to make sure ahead o| time that we can. A) weregwen/wouwdnıdıe B) wsgwen /won'tdıe o) were gwen / woman“: have med D) had been gwen ı woumn’ı have med E) wsgwen woman'ı be
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