Pedagojik Gramer 2 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 7.Soru

Pedagojik Gramer 2 2012 - 2013 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 7.Soru
transkript: 7 15 numaralı snruları asagıdakı parçaya g re cevaplayını Somethmg funny happened when a mıddle aged woman was (eken to a huspıaw un Monday " helped a group of scıenhsts m dwscover.7..peop1e laugh wc seems maı Merennypesoıwaughıngaresıgnawswhmhıeu others ..s... a mreatenıng cr confusıng sılualmn ıs safe The woman arrıved at an mdıan hospııaw and she compîawned ...e... me doclor mh a head rmury Because eı the ınJury she seemed (o gwe sueıghı reacnon ıo pam Every (lme ; docıor stuck 3 pin ın her hand. she waughed unconlroHably The docıor, who was o... her. sald mame regwon of her bram mvulved ...11... sendıng messages about pam has beendwsconnected The doctor consuued ,..12 her carefuny and found oul mat pan uf nwas seymg Look. that hurts' wmıe the omerpanwas saymg "There's no problem'" ...13... we waugn ıs one ofthe greaımysıerıes of human behawor Bu her doctor beheves ...14... me saymg 'Laughter wmcn sımngwy depends ...15... feelıngs uf reııef ıs ws: an expressıon ofsurpnse" A) why E!) wmch cı how much D) how many E) what
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