Pedagojik Gramer 2 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru

Pedagojik Gramer 2 2013 - 2014 Dönem Sonu Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: snumaıa sorula asagıdakıparcaya re cevaplayınız For a wong bme moslarchaeologrsls beneved ....1.. the mrgratıon ofprehıstorıc peopıe to me Americas did not take mace unhl anerthe end of me ıası Ice Age The dıscovery ...... began breakmg down mıs waw was made by a man ...3... name awmost never appears m texts Gregor MacKenzy was not an archaealogwst. bul acowboy 1n1927....4...for|ostcame.he mds awong me edge ova deep arroyo ......5 acmss at the cpposıte bank. ms eye was caught by a layer ov bleached bones and several pıeces oı mm They weeked Mke me anowheads. ...e... nauve Amerıcans had used fur hunting Kate Chophn. d|rec|o( o| the Nevada Museum oıwaıuıaı Hısıory. managed da gel new of some anne bones and anah/zed ...7... lhey were mdeed cow Danes The analysıs conhrmed ...a" they werelhe bones olan extmcl rewauve um had vanıshed Wıth me gıamers some ıo oun years ago A) ıf B) mı C) whether D) whenever E) how
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