Pedagojik Gramer 2
Pedagojik Gramer 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı
Pedagojik Gramer 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
Pedagojik Gramer 2 2014 - 2015 Ara Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: 1 -1n numaralı soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. Last monxh. Jason R Levıne a world ıamous onhne educalcr. ...1 a numberoistudens m Texas who are gemng mev cuHege degrees lhrough onlıne schoows One oflhem ws Shme Lee. a lormer bartender who In a lradıhonaî school when younger, bu earning amme ...3... lt easier (o baîance schouî and work for her now In the near (umre, onlıne courses ...ı... a gWobaI asseı avaılable to anyone Wıth a smartphone Dr lame! AS such mors become cheapen onune educalmn ....5.. . When onhne educauon was Ws! gaming amacım 15 years ago. ıı ...e... to ıııue more ınan poınlmg ; camera at a lecturer And ıı 7.... ımeracuve al all Today many professıunaHy desıgned unhne classes ...a... la career paths and the" conienls have been Iucalızed for Merenı languages and needs However. there ıs one !hmg (ha! software ...9... teachers . because even the most SENİ monvated student ...10... guwdance and suppon ) has me! ) had mel (:) ıs meeııng ) meı ) would be meeung
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