Pedagojik Gramer 2 2014 - 2015 Tek Ders Sınavı 1.Soru

Pedagojik Gramer 2 2014 - 2015 Tek Ders Sınavı 1.Soru
transkript: 7 numaralı soruları aş Most probably. the rea4 signiücance ofIOtests wiH never be publıshed. but nowadays. ıt ......1 that the average score is amuhd 100 Intelligence tests ...2.. m the days of composer Mozart or naturalist Darwın. but it ....3. that the IOS of these weH—khown genwuses was around 180 Many books .....4 on the supremacy of bram so far and one of the most imponantofthese works is Santana's. Since her hrst book “Power of the Brain'. which in 1995. April Santana . 6... over’ıwenty books. whwch ...7... mto many different languages. In her latest book. 'A Chıldhood Memoir', it is claimed that if children are given clear goals from an early age. the chances that they wıII succeed m later life greatly mcrease. Accordingto her, beıngdefealed is a lemporan/ condmon. She ıs working on her new book “No way Out' these days and wt will have been advenised by the publisher by the next summer. was said wiH be said had been said is said would be said 5993323
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