Polıtıcal Thought Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #833612

  1. Al-Ahkâm As-Sultâniyyah
  2. Nasîhat Al-Muluk
  3. Kitab-al Shifa
  4. The Incoherence of the Philosophers
  5. Fasl al-Maqâl

Which of the above was/were  written by Al-Mâwardi?

Only I

I and II

III and IV

III and V

IV and V

Yanıt Açıklaması:

The political writings of Al-Mâwardi may be seen as the sum of two distinct styles: 1. The format focusing on the individual ruler as a social figure, as well as his ideal characteristics and lessons learned from the preceding generations, the “Mirrors for Princes” format, which has an important role in the advising tradition in Islam (nasîhatnâmah); 2. The format in which the theory of the caliphate (imâmah) is put forward, which is more complicated in structure and focused on issues of government. Within the context of the first style, it is convenient to count The Advice to Kings (Nasîhat Al-Muluk); and within the second, Al-Ahkâm As-Sultâniyyah. Al- Mawardi’s main political thought is embodied in his Al-Ahkam As-Sultâniyyah. Only a small part of the work seems to be on political theory, while the rest is a discussion on the details of public administration and rules of government (Sharif, n.d.). But his small portion is extremely important because it is the first attempt in Muslim history to evolve a comprehensive theory of the State and because it has left an enduring influence on the course of Muslim political thought up to our own day. As also be understood from the information given, the correct answer is B.

“The Incoherence of the Philosophers” was written by Al-Ghazâlî. Kitab-al Shifa is a book written by Avicenna (Ebu Ali Husayn Ibn Abdullah Ibn Sînâ). Fasl al-Maqâl was written by Averroës (Ibn Rushd).

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