Prıncıples Of Marketıng Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #800334

Which of the following conducts marketing research? 


Project conductors 




Yanıt Açıklaması:

Another important source of information of marketing information system is marketing research conducted by companies. Unlike internally generated information or market intelligence, marketing research collects information only
through projects or studies that are designed and carried out in order to respond to a specific marketing situations and decisions. For example, a smart phone manufacturer could acquire market intelligence about the size of the market in Turkey, key competitors and their brands in the market, market shares of these brands from various external sources. However, the manufacturer would need to
conduct marketing research in order to understand the profile of the target market or assess the smart phone users’ expectations from new models, things that they like/dislike in other models. These kinds of information normally cannot be obtained neither from internal sources nor through market intelligence.

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