Publıc Internatıonal Law I Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #1206456
Which of the following is one of the criticisms directed to Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals?
The trials were in violation of the principle of nullum poena sine lege (no punishment without law). |
Trials were an imposition of ex post facto law, giving retrospective operation to a crime that was not punishable at the time of its commission. |
The tribunals were constituted by the victorious powers, whose impartiality in delivering the judgments was doubtful. |
Consisting no judges from the victorious States and many from the defeated States was in violation of the principle of nemo judex in causa sua (no one can be a judge in his own case). |
The plea of superior orders has great relevance in the discipline of the armed forces, and it was rejected by the Tribunals without any concrete reason. |
These tribunals consisted MAINLY of judges from the victorious States and NO JUDGES from the defeated States was in violation of the principle of nemo judex in causa sua (no one can be a judge in his own case).
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