Theorıes Of Internatıonal Relatıons I Deneme Sınavı Sorusu #809497

“… in the first place, I put for a general inclination of all mankind a perpetual and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death."

The quotation from Hobbes (2016) above is used to show that __________ .

humans live in a world of endless resources

politics have their roots in human nature

human in nature look for equality among all people

political morality is possible without prudence

interest determines political conduct regardless cultural context

Yanıt Açıklaması:

First, let's have a look at the six principles:

1. Politics is governed by objective laws that have their roots in human nature.

2. Statesmen conduct themselves in terms of interest defined as power.

3. Interest determines political conduct within the political and cultural context which foreign policy is formulated.

4. Prudence is the supreme virtue in international politics. There can be no political morality without prudence.

5. Nations are entities that pursue their interests as defined by power and should not be judged by universal moral principles.

6. Political realism rejects the legalistic-moralistic approach to international politics.

As seen in these principles, first classical realists, without denying the importance of anarchy, underlines the role of human nature. To describe this nature, Thomas Hobbes uses these words:

“… in the first place, I put for a general inclination of all mankind a perpetual and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death” (Hobbes, 2016).

Simply put, man is naturally egoist and in a world of limited resources, he is guided by an endless will to gain power and it is this will that shapes his relations with others. As an animus dominandi, he constantly seeks to make others the subject of his domination. In realist perspective, this egoism and powerseeker (domination-seeker) character of human-being is also found as a constitutive element in every association and organization created by man. So, if international politics is all about power, it is the inevitable result of the reflection of human characteristic on international actors.

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