Turizm Için Ingilizce 2 2016 - 2017 3 Ders Sınavı 19.Soru

Turizm Için Ingilizce 2 2016 - 2017 3 Ders Sınavı 19.Soru
transkript: 19_ Which of the following is one of the natural criteria for 3 site to be selected as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO? A) E) Being directly or tangibly associated with events or Iivmg lraditions, with Ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and lilerary works of Outstanding universal sıgnifıcance. Bearing a unique or exceptional lestımuny to a cultural tradition or to a civilization which ıs hving or which has disappeared. Containing the most important and sıgnıfıcant natural habıtats for the conservalıon of bıologıcal dıversıty. Being an Outstanding example of a type of buildıng, architectural, or technological group or landscape. Representing a masterpiece of human creatwe geniusv
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