Business Law Final 10. Deneme Sınavı

Toplam 20 Soru


According to Law No 4749, the Minister of Treasury and Finance is not the name of Republic of Turkey. 

to obtain Domestic and Foreign State Debt

to provide Treasury Reimbursement Guarantee

to provide Treasury Counter –Guarantee

to make amendments in the conditions of treasury guarantees

to ban the foreign financing facility through Transfer of Foreign Debt


What is the age requirement for being entitled to old-age pensions?

58 for women, 60 for men

60 for both

65 for both

There is no age requirement,  minimum 7200 days of premium must be declared. 

There is no age requirement,  minimum 9000 days of premium must be declared. 


I. Sportsmen, 

II. Maritime activities,

III. Domestic work,

Which of the ones listed above are among the exceptions concerning the scope and application of Turkish Labour Act?

Only I.

I, II & III.


Only III.

I & III.


Real persons who are the recipients of income are liable for .....................

Which of the following completes the sentence correctly?

Real estate tax

Corporations tax

Inheritance tax

Motor vehicle tax

Income tax


Which of the following is the  final decision maker in the civilian administrative judiciary of Turkey?

The Court of Cassation

The Council of State

Constitutional Court

Court of Jurisdictional Disputes

Audit Courts


Which of the following is one of the Short-Term Social Insurance Schemes?

Invalidity insurance

Old-age insurance

Death insurance

Maternity insurance

Voluntary insurance


According to the Turkish International Arbitration Law, which of the followings is not among the elements that make arbitration international?

Both parties being located in differents states.

Either party being located outside Turkish Republic.

Both parties being located outside Turkish Republic.

Shareholder of either party bringing foreign capital.

Transfer of the goods or capital within the same state.


"The constitutional principle of legality of taxation requires that ...................."

Which of the following most appropriately completes the sentence above?

the essential elements of a tax cannot be provided in an enabling law

some elements like taxpayer and taxable event should not be explicitly included
in a tax law

personal freedom can be restricted except by law when necessary

some tax can be levied except without the authority of a law

any tax with all of its essential elements must have a firm basis in law


Which of the following is true regarding the Constitutional Court?

Its basic function is to resolve the disputes between the other supreme courts.

Citizens can not individually apply to the Constitutional Court.

Its members do not assume any official or private functions, apart from their main functions.

The Constitutional Court has the power to review constitutional amendments in both form and substance.

All the members of the Constitutional Court are selected by Turkish Grand National Assembly.


Which of the followings is the privacy characteristic among the advantages of arbitration?







Which of the following, deals with the relationship between employees and employers?

Labour law

Law of obligations

Commercial law

Criminal law

Constitutional law


According to Turkish International Arbitration Law, how many arbitrators shall be appointed if the number of arbitrators is not determined by the parties?

Parties must determine the number, if they won't agree no arbitrator will be appointed. 






Under which of the following institutions does International Labour Organisation (ILO) function?

Council of Europe.

United Nations.

European Union.


Customs Union.


Which of the following can be said on UNCITRAL?

It is the abbreviation for the United Nations Chamber of Secrets.

UNCITRAL Rules are mostly used in institutional arbitration

UNCITRAL Rules only deal with the formation of the arbitration agreement

UNCITRAL Model Law is binding for all UN Member States.

UNCITRAL Rules for ad hoc arbitration is widely used 


According to the PFMC Law, which of the following organisation can assure the head of the spending agency on the soundness of the internal control system?

External audit

Internal audit

Board of Directors




Which of the following is true for ordinary jurisdiction judges and administrative jurisdiction judges?

Ordinary jurisdiction judges are not supposed to have law courses at their faculties

Administrative jurisdiction judges are selected from among the graduates of all faculties

Ordinary jurisdiction judges are selected from among the graduates of law faculties

Administrative juristiction judges have more power compared to ordinary juristiction judges

Personal rights of ordinary jurisdiction judges are differemt from those of administrative juristiction judges


Which of the following is not a principle applicable to the joint stock corporations?

Majority management

Limited liability of the shareholders

The Protection of Capital

The Principle of State Supervision

Priority to management in decision making


Which of the following alternatives is true about the arbitration agreement?

A valid arbitration agreement includes the jurisdiction of national courts.

The invalidity of the main contract automatically means that the arbitration clause is also invalid.

It is possible to submit all kinds of disputes to arbitration.

The arbitration agreement establishes an obligation to arbitrate between the parties.

There are not any requirements as to the form of the arbitration agreements in any of the national arbitration laws.


Which of the following alternatives is true about the Court of Cassation?

The Chief Public Prosecutor at the Court of Cassation is appointed for a term of four years.

The Court of Cassation was founded in 1926.

The Court of Cassation reviews the decisions of lower courts under 3 Civil and 2 Criminal Chambers.

The Court of Cassation is the final decision maker in administrative judiciary.

The Deputy Chief Public Prosecutor can not be re-elected at the end of his/her term of office.


UNCITRAL Model Law was introduced in: