Internatıonal Organızatıon And Global Governance Final 9. Deneme Sınavı

Toplam 20 Soru


Why is the postCold War international system is referred to as a unipolar system?

Because, at the end of the Cold War, France became the only super power. 

Because upon the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the United States emerged as the only superpower.

Because the Soviet Union ended the Cold War and emerged as the only super power.

Because Great Britain ended the Cold War and became the only super power. 

Because, Japan became the only super power at the end of the Cold War. 


Which of the following is NOT one of the six principal organs of the UN?

The General Assembly

Security Council 

Economic and Social Council

The League of Nations



Which of the followings is not among WorldOrder-Models-Project (WOMP) scholars?

Rajni Kothari.

Ali Mazrui.

Gustavo Lagos.

Richard Falk.

Ernst B. Haas.


Which of the following countries is in the group of the BRICS countries?


The United States of America





Which one is about middle powers?

The V-20 group (Vulnerable-20 group) in the international climate change negotiations within the framework of the UN can be cited as an example.

They need the support of a big power that has the capacity to steer international affairs.

They have the opportunity to influence the international system with their cooperative efforts in international organizations as well as through their individual roles.

The only way they can be effective in international organizations and global governance is to act as a coordinated group.

They are much more active in international politics, and they are in a better position to determine the rules of global governance.


What was the the first concrete step toward establishing the United Nations?

The Atlantic Charter

The League of Nations

Industrial Revolution

Great Depression

Congress of Vienna


Which one is not a basic characteristic of international non-governmental organizations?

International NGOs are social institutions that possess legal personality.

International NGOs have organizational structures in more than two countries.

International NGOs engage in a partisan behavior.

International NGOs respect the principle of non-interference in domestic affairs of states.

International NGOs are not founded by states or intergovernmental organizations.


Which countries does  Triple Entente consist of?

USA, Great Britain and France

Great Britain, Russia and Austria

Austria, Prussia and France

Great Britain, France and Russia

Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy


"The Congress of Vienna consolidated the great-power status of some states. Following the Congress, the powers of the time were remembered as great powers for the next hundred years, and the concert of these powers ruled the world.

Which of the followings is among those states?

The United States of America.






Which of the followings is not among the characteristic of the Elders?

They are the social revolutionaries who transformed their own countries.

They are the peace makers, with decades of experience mediating and resolving conflicts around the world. 

They are the representatives of multi-national corporations shaping the world economy.

They are the pioneering women who have governed their countries.

They are the peace builders who have helped postconflict societies to heal wounds and rebuild. 


Which of the principal organs of the UN has helped global governance through the judicial settlement of territorial issues?


Economic and Social Council

General Assembly

International Court of Justice

Trusteeship Council


  1. The international organization is an umbrella term that covers both intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs).
  2. IGOs refer to formal institutions whose members are predominantly states.
  3. INGOs have a different composition of membership from IGOs as their members are mainly individuals or groups of individuals rather than states.
  4. As a legitimate type of transnational actors, transnational companies (TNCs) play a relatively greater role in international politics today.
  5. Non-legitimate transnational actors can also produce an impact on international politics.

Which of the statements regarding international organizations above are correct?

I and II

I, II and III

I, II, III and IV

II, III, IV and V

I, II, III, IV and V


Which concept refers to sustaining coordination and coherence among a wide range of actors which includeinclude political actors, non-governmental organizations, pressure groups, interest groups, individuals, and media with different aims and objectives?


Public sphere

Civil society

Transnational networks

Sustainable cooperation


Which below is not one of the key principles of the UN?

To maintain international peace and security

To develop friendly relations among nations

To encourage respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all

To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations

To promote co-operation for a sustainable global economy


  1. Sovereign equality
  2. The prohibition of the threat or use of force
  3. The peaceful settlement of international disputes
  4. Non-interference in internal affairs

Which of the above are the basşc principles of the UN?

I and II

II and IV

I and IV

II and III

I, II, III and IV


Which one is not a characteristic of great powers?

They adopt a ‘forward’ foreign policy and have actual, and not merely potential, impact on international affair.

They have the ability to obtain preferred outcomes through attraction. 

They have global, and not merely regional, spheres of interests.

They are economically powerful states.

They have the capacity to maintain their own security and, potentially, to influence other powers.


“An approach to assist member states in identifying and addressing widespread and cross-cutting challenges to the survival, livelihood and dignity of their people”  (UN General Assembly)

What does the definition above refer to?

human security

international society

financial support

mixed-actor model

positive peace theory


Think tanks and lobbies both aim to influence government policies. How do think tanks differ from lobbies?

They offer political advice.

They provide education. 

They seek more public visibility.

They bring together politically like-minded individuals, corporations and parties.

They conduct research.


  1. To maintain international peace and security.
  2. To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples.
  3. To encourage respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion.
  4. To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.

Which are the basic principles and main purposes of the United Nations?

I, II and IV

I, II and III

I, III and IV

II, III and IV

I, II, III and IV


Which one of the following countries has the highest voting weight in IMF’s decision making process?




