Introduction to Law Final 10. Deneme Sınavı

Toplam 20 Soru


(1) is an action in which the court is requested to sentence the defendant to
give or perform, or avoid from doing something.

With (2), the court is requested to determine the existence or nonexistence
of a right or a legal relationship, or whether a document is forged or not.

With (3), the court is requested to create a new legal status, or modify the
substance of an existing legal status or terminate it.

With which of the following should the numbered places in passage above be filled?

(1) Action for performance 
(2) Constructive action
(3) Declaratory action

(1) Action for performance 
(2) Declaratory action
(3) Constructive action

(1) Constructive action
(2) Declaratory action 
(3) Action for performance 

(1) Constructive action
(2) Action for performance
(3) Declaratory action

(1) Declaratory action 
(2) Action for performance
(3) Constructive action


Regarding to the capacity to be a party, which of the following is wrong?

The personality and therefore the capacity begins with full birth and ends with death.

Both private and public law legal entities have the capacity to be a party.

Capacity of the child begins with conception, on condition that full birth is achieved.

A curator must be appointed for the protection of the rights of the unborn baby.

Only citizens have the right to possess civil rights and therefore the capacity to be a party.


These are the intermediate level courts in the Turkish civil judiciary. These courts had been established in 2004 and became operational in 2016. The most essential duty carried out by these courts is the intermediate appellate review of final decisions rendered by the courts of first instance in their respective jurisdictional areas. They also possess a very limited subject-matter jurisdiction regarding some civil disputes.

Which of the following types of court is defined above?

Civil court of first instance

Criminal court of first instance

Circuit court of appeals

Labour court

Commercial court


Which of the followings is the principle that forsees "law should not criminalize too much behaviour"?

Principle of proportionate response.

Principle of  prevention of harm to others.

Principle of minimal intervention.

Principle of welfare and upholding the common good

Thin-ice principle.


Which principle of criminal law is defined by "Nulle Poena Sine Lege, Nullum Crimen Sine Lege"?

Principle of minimal intervention

Presumption of innocence 

Principle of welfare

Principle of personal responsibility

Principle of legality


Which of the following information about witnesses is not true?

Witnesses are third persons who have first-hand information on the matters of dispute.

Witnesses are invited to the court with summonses.

Before the testimony, the witness must be informed regarding the importance of telling the truth.

The person who is summoned as a witness may under no circumstances refuse to testify.

If there are any reasons raising doubt over the reliability of the testimony of the witness, such as having an interest in the action, each party may claim and prove that reason.


Which one of followings about conduct of criminal is false?

To criminalize a certain kind conduct is to declarethat it amounts to a public wrong, and that such behaviours ought to be avoided.

All immoral or harmful behaviours are combated by means of a crime.

Harm principle is described that a behaviour should not be criminal unless thebehaviour causes harm to another person.

In continental legal thought, the concept of legal good which base on the idea that all offenses are there to defend specific legally protected interest has played an important role in the theory of criminalization.

According to legal goods principle, a legal good comprise two conditions in order to be considered worthy of protection by the criminal law.


Which of the given is true regarding the concept of obligation?

A creditor is the party who is bound to perform a certain act.

A debtor is the party who is entitled to request the consideration.

Consideration is a period in which the creditor or debtor can withdraw from a contract.

In a donation contract, the donee is the debtor.

In a sales contract, the buyer is the debtor.


If a one-month time requirement starts on 31.01.2017, when should it end?







How many books does Turkish Commercial Law consist of?







Which of the following is not one of the major concerns of criminal law?

preventing physical injury

proscribing personal immorality deemed injurious to society’s well-being

preventing the moral corruption of the young

setting rules that govern private rights

maintaining public order and security


"Society may seek to prevent a criminal from committing other crimes by forcing that person to undergo training, psychological counseling, or some form of moral or social education as to the need for law-abiding patterns of behavior. This may help the individual to reintegrate with the society as a productive human being."

Which of the following forms of punishment is defined above?

Specific deterrence

General deterrence





Which of the following is a general ground for divorce?


Dishonorable life

Irretrievable breakdown of marriage


Mental illness


Which one is the false option?

Creditor is the party who is entitled to request the consideration.

Debtor is the party who is bound the perform a certain act given as consideration.

Consideration is an act, which the debtor is obliged to perform as the concent of her obligation.

Every person has freedom of activity within the limits of law.

Fault is not either a willful act or a negligent act.


I. Cadastral courts
II. Labor courts
III. Compulsory enforcement courts
IV. Consumer courts
V. Family courts
VI. Military courts
Which of the ones listed above is not among specialized courts in civil judiciary?

Only II.

I, III & V.

Only IV.

IV & V.

Only VI.


"... is based on freedom of contract whereas in ..., the state, based on public interest arguments may interfere with commercial, industrial or financial relations." 

With which of the following the blanks in the statement above should be filled?

Commercial law/ law of economics

Law of economics/commercial law

Economy of law/law of commerce

Law of commerce/economy of law

Commerce of law/economy of law


Which of the below is an example of an act regulated by Civil Law?







According to the Code of Obligations, a will constitutes an example of ------------.

Which of the following best completes the above sentence?




Unilateral legal transactions

Bilateral legal transactions


Any person having the capacity to conduct civil proceedings may file an action and manage it personally or through an attorney whom she appoints (art. 71). Power of attorney covers the power to carry out all kinds of party proceedings in order to manage the action, enforce the judgment, collect judicial costs and issue receipts regarding this collection, and the power to be the receiver of such proceedings until the judgment becomes unappealable (art. 73). The attorney is required to present the original power of attorney or the true copy of the original certified by her to be put in the case file of the action or the compulsory enforcement procedure in all actions and proceedings that she files or manages (art. 76).

Which of the following aspects of parties is defined above? 

Capacity to be a party

Party representation

Capacity to litigate

Real party in interest

Joinder of parties


What does mean of "the possession of the substantive right associated with the claim"?

Capacity to litigate

Real party in interest

Capacity to conduct civil proceedings

Capacity to be a party

Party Representation