Introduction to Law Final 3. Deneme Sınavı

Toplam 20 Soru


I. Persons 
II. Family law 
III. Succession
IV. Property 
V. Obligations
Which of the ones listed above is/are covered by civil code?

Only I.

I, II & III.

Only III.

I, II, III & IV.

Only V.


"It is the decision making organ of a joint stock company where each shareholder has the right and duty to participate and vote either personally or through a proxy. It meets regularly at least once a year and where necessary extraordinarily."

Which organ of a joint stock corporation is defined above?

Board of Directors

Shareholders General Assembly

Statutory Auditors

Board of Trustees

Articles of Association


Which one of followings about criminal law is false?

Criminal liability is the strongest formal condemnation that society can inflict.

One of the major concerns of criminal law is preventing physical injury.

One of the major concerns of criminal law is proscribing personal immorality deemed injurious to society’s well-being.

One of the major concerns of criminal law is preventing the moral corruption of theyoung through crimes such as gross indecency and unlawful sexual intercourse with children.

One of the major concerns of criminal law is maintaining rate of crime.


Which of the followings are not main sub branches of civil law?

Law of persons

Family law

Law of succession

Law of obligations

Commercial law


Which of the following institutions does not have the authority to nominate candidates for the Competition Board?

Ministry of Customs and Trade

Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges

Supreme Court of Appeals

Council of State

Ministry of Interior


Which of the following is not an interdiction reason?

Mental disability

Mental disorder

Habitual drunkenness

Habitual gambling



“A Turkish woman can marry with…..”
Fill the blank with correct word?

Her father

Her girlfriend

Her grandfather

Her cousin

Her uncle


Which of the following is a branch of civil law?

Procedural Law

Labor Law

Enforcement Law

Law of Persons

Intellectual Property Law


How long should the answer be submitted in wirtten procedure?

7 days

2 weeks

15 days

1 week

14 days


How many years should be waited since the last sign of life before the application to the court for the declaration of absence?

Two years

Three years

Four years

Five years

Ten years


I. There must be enrichment in the property of a person.
II. There must be a decrease in the value of property of another person.
III.The enrichment must be without a just cause
IV.There must be a causal relation between the enrichment and the decrease in the value of property.

Which of the above are the conditions for unjust enrichment to exist?

I and III

II and III

I, III and IV

II, III and IV

I, II, III and IV


I. Persons
II. Family law
III. Succession
IV. Property
V. Obligations
Which of the ones listed above is/are among the main sub-branches of civil law?

Only III.

I, II & III.

Only IV.

I, II, III, IV & V.

III & V.


- Canon law

- Jewish law

- Hindu law

What is the common point of legal traditions given above?

They are part of civil law tradition.

They are part of common law tradition.

They are part of religious law tradition.

They derived from Roman law tradition.

They are based on case law tradition.


Which of the following is mentioned in the Turkish Constitution regarding businesses?

You must have a high school diploma to set up a business

The State shall take measures to prevent the formation of monopolies

A certain fee is required when establishing private enterprises

No additional financial duties beyond taxes can be implemented

Consumers are bound to take measures to protect themselves


"It is the avoidance of the compulsory legal rules that safeguard a person in her person and/or property. A person who willfully causes loss or damage to another in an immoral manner is likewise obliged to provide compensation."

Which of the following elements of tort is defined in this sentence?





Proximate causal relation


There was a severe earthquake in Malatya. Ali was staying in a hotel in Malatya that totally collapsed, but his body could not be found. 

How long should his next of kin wait before applying to the court for his legacy?

1 year

2 years

3 years

4 years

5 years


Which of the followings is not one of the components of rule of law?

Democracy shall be granted.

Judicial review of acts, actions and activities of State shall be granted, including the Parliament and the administration.

Independency and impartiality of the press shall be provided.

The acts, actions and activities of the State shall be done within the framework of laws.

Separation of powers shall be granted.


Which of the following is not one of the legal marriage requirements according to the Turkish Civil Code?




Parents' consent

Declaration of intention


"If a married person owns the family domicile, which is the place where the family as a rule resides, this person may not transfer the ownership or create another limited real right without the written consent of the other spouse. If the family domicile is a rental place, the spouse who has concluded the rental contract may not withdraw the contract without the written consent of the other spouse."

Thus, married persons have ...

full capacity

limited capacity

limited incapacity

full incapacity

capacity to have rights


I. Voluntary act
II. Omissions
III. Intention
Which of above are objective element of crime?

Only I

I and II

II and III

I and III

I, II and III