PSYCHOLOGY (PSİKOLOJİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Personality soru detayı:
According to behavioral approach, which one increases the probability of the occurance of certain behavior: reinforcement or punishment?
Both depending on their being positive or negative.
Reinforcementi ncreases the probability of the occurence of certain behavior. If it is positive reinforcement, the behaviour is added to your system, and if it is negative, it is removed from your system.
Punishment, indeed, decreases the probability of the occurance of certain behavior. The same happens when it comes to positive and negative punishment. If positve, added to the system. If negative, removed from the system.
A positive reinforcement is “giving something” in order to increase the frequency of a behavior. For instance the mother gives her attention when her baby smiles. Negative reinforcement, on the other hand, is “removing something” in order to increase the frequency of a behavior. For example, when you get into a car you might hear a disturbing noise which is only removed when you wear your seatbelt. Thus, seatbelt wearing behavior is negatively reinforced. Contrary to reinforcement, punishment decreases the probability of the occurrence of a behavior. A positive punishment is again giving something that wasn’t previously evident in the environment, like the teacher’s scolding behavior. On the other hand, negative punishment is “removing something” in order to decrease the frequency of a behavior. Consider two little boys fighting for a toy. When the mother takes the toy from them, the boys learn not to fight again.