Organızatıonal Theory & Design
ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY AND DESIGN (ÖRGÜT KURAMI VE TASARIMI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Organizational Culture and Ethics soru cevapları
ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY AND DESIGN (ÖRGÜT KURAMI VE TASARIMI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Organizational Culture and Ethics soru detayı:
SORU: According to Peters & Waterman what are the distinctive characterisitcs of excellent organizations?
According to Peters & Waterman what are the distinctive characterisitcs of excellent organizations?
A Bias for action
Close to the customer
Autonomy and entrepreneurship
Productivity through people
Hands-on, value-driven
Stick to the knitting
Simple form, lean staff
Simultaneous loose-tight properties
A Bias for action
Close to the customer
Autonomy and entrepreneurship
Productivity through people
Hands-on, value-driven
Stick to the knitting
Simple form, lean staff
Simultaneous loose-tight properties