Busıness Fınance Iı
BUSINESS FINANCE II (İŞLETME FİNANSI II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Medium and LongTerm Financing soru cevapları
BUSINESS FINANCE II (İŞLETME FİNANSI II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Medium and LongTerm Financing soru detayı:
SORU: According to the type of drawing and paying back, how are the loans categorized?
According to the type of drawing and paying back, how are the loans categorized?
CEVAP: According to the type of drawing and paying back, the loans are categorized as classical, revolving credits, bank overdraft, project loans, and syndication loans.
According to the type of drawing and paying back, the loans are categorized as classical, revolving credits, bank overdraft, project loans, and syndication loans.