POLITICAL THOUGHT (SİYASAL DÜŞÜNCELER) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Fundamentals of Political Thought soru detayı:



Despite the country specific differences of political regimes and the various trajectories, what is considered as the essential feature of a modern democracy? 


Despite the country specific differences of political regimes and the various trajectories, the essential feature of a modern democracy is usually considered as the separation of powers, which means that the judiciary, executive, and legislature will have the ability to check each other’s functions and provide a balancing mechanism against functional overreaching and breaching of the rules. A system of checks and balances ensures that the government’s decisions as well as the laws promulgated by the legislative organs and judicial reviews are seen legitimate. Significant safeguards in modern democracies are therefore the separation of powers and the principle of the rule of law through which we imply that institutions of the government will abide by the legal boundaries. Thus, it prescribes that “citizens are better off when the political system establishes rules for all to follow, rather than subjecting citizens either to arbitrary rule or to anarchy”.