ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (ÖRGÜTSEL DAVRANIŞ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Groups and Work Teams in Organizations soru detayı:



Explain Delphi Method?


This method is developed by Dalkey and Helmer (1963). Contrary to brainstorming and nominal group technique, in Delphi method, group members are not required to be face to face. Usually group members respond to a survey form without gathering. Then, group members receive a second survey form to rank the items generated and summarized from the first round. They are asked to rank the items considering the priorities. In some cases, another round is needed for clarification and consensus. Finally, the list of remaining items, ratings, minority opinions, and items achieving consensus are distributed to the panelists. This round offers a final chance for participants to review their judgments. Delphi method might be considered especially if the group members are dispersed. Before starting the Delphi method, one should carefully consider the selection of the subjects and the time frames for conducting and completing the process.