ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (ÖRGÜTSEL DAVRANIŞ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Groups and Work Teams in Organizations soru detayı:



Explain the effect of diversity on effectiveness?


Diversity is a very important and growing need in todays’ organizations and team composition. First important advantage of diverse teams is that in some cases, they make better decisions than homogeneous teams. Individuals with different backgrounds or demographic qualities tend to see a problem or opportunity from different angles. A report McKinsey has completed in 2015 has indicated that gender diversity and ethnic diversity are accountable for financial return. Another advantage is that diverse team members have a wider pool of technical abilities and skills. That should help them to fix different problems smoothly. They also represent more components of the organization, this will turn into a belief in stake holders or other departments that they have a voice in the group. Therefore, we can easily conclude that diverse teams stir constructive debates which in turn diminish groupthink.