ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR (ÖRGÜTSEL DAVRANIŞ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Organizational Culture and Climate soru detayı:



How can we achieve a situation where people are satisfied with their jobs, organizational citizenship behaviors are beneficial, and organizational commitment is generally a good outcome?


This brings us to our final point; the warning we mentioned at the beginning of this section. Most concepts in organizational behavior are desirable / positive or undesirable / negative. We want people to be satisfied with their jobs; organizational citizenship behaviors are beneficial; organizational commitment is generally a good outcome. In order to achieve these results, we investigate antecedents, such as work design, leadership, and personality. Culture and climate  differ from these two groups because there are no objective criteria for good or bad cultures or climates. Different stakeholders may prefer different types of climates depending on the outcomes they like. Shareholders, for example, may prefer a low safety climate because safety measures may lower profitability in the short-term. Employee representatives, on the other hand, will advocate a high safety climate for obvious reasons.