Introduction to Economics 1
INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS I (İKTİSADA GİRİŞ I) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Firm in Perfectly Competitive Markets soru cevapları
INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS I (İKTİSADA GİRİŞ I) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Firm in Perfectly Competitive Markets soru detayı:
How can we define the necessary conditions for a competitive industry?
1.There are many firms; a single firm produces and sells a tiny fraction of the total market sold to many consumers.
2.Producers and consumers are well informed about the quality and price of the good in question.
3.Firms produce and sell an identical product.
4.There are no restrictions on entry into (or exit from) the market, and established firms don`t have any specific advantage over new firms.