PSYCHOLOGY (PSİKOLOJİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The History and Scope of Psychology soru cevapları
PSYCHOLOGY (PSİKOLOJİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The History and Scope of Psychology soru detayı:
How did Descartes influence the development of psychology ?
Descartes suggested that although the body works like machine having its own principles, the mind influences the working of the body. Descartes indicated an organ (the pineal gland) in the brain, where the mind and physical properties interact in the body. What the mind decides to do, the pineal gland reacts accordingly and flows the fluid into the relevant nerves, which result in movement of relevant muscles. Proposing a relationship between mind and body, Descartes influenced the development of psychology significantly. The idea of mind having control over the body implied that study of it does not have to be metaphysical or unscientific.