INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS II (İKTİSADA GİRİŞ II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Basic Concepts and National Income Accounting soru detayı:



How did Keynes justified the government intervention on the free market economy? Please discuss briefly.


Keynes’ approach can be summarized as follows: When private sector’s spending
is insufficient, in order to prevent a reduction in output and employment, government should intervene to economy by supporting the aggregate demand (i.e., total spending). Keynes’ approach can be summarized that the state needs to interfere in economy by means of supporting to prevent the decrease of production and employment in a period of inadequacy of special sector demands.Keynes’ views were increasingly supported after World War II, especially in 1950s by both economists and government officials. In this period the idea that government can use tools like taxes and spending to achieve targets such as smoothing the fluctuations in production and employment, realizing a stable growth in production and employment became increasingly widespread. Thus, macroeconomics became a new issue with its topics, concepts and analyzing methodology differing from microeconomics.