Political Science
POLITICAL SCIENCE (SİYASET BİLİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Major Ideologies of Political Science: Liberalism, Socialism and Conservatism soru cevapları
POLITICAL SCIENCE (SİYASET BİLİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Major Ideologies of Political Science: Liberalism, Socialism and Conservatism soru detayı:
How did Plato identify the correct method for doing philosophy?
In his work Phaedrus (265 c-e), Plato proposed that whenever we think about something, we must engage in both ‘synagógé’ and ‘diairesis’, that is ‘collection’ and ‘division’.
• Collection is evidently to consist in bringing together specific Ideas under a common generic Idea.
• Division is the hierarchical arrangement under that generic Idea of all its constituent sub-genera and specie.