DIPLOMACY (DİPLOMASİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Ottoman Diplomacy and Diplomatic Letters soru detayı:



How did the power shifted  from the palace to the Bab-ı Âli?


After Abdulmecit (1839-1861) had come to throne, power was shifted from the palace to the Bab-ı Âli (government) due to the dominance of the men of Tanzimat: Mustafa Reşid Pasha, Âli Pasha and Fuad Pasha. They were professional diplomats and ardent supporters of modernization and Westernization. They were following the developments in the West and they ruled the state as ambassadors, ministers of foreign affairs and
Grand Viziers successively for thirty years. In this period, extensive reforms were carried out ranging from political and economic to military and legal structure of the Ottoman Empire. These statesmen had closer relations with European powers because
of their service to the state as diplomats, ministers and Grand Viziers, so they played an important role for the establishment of close relations with European powers as well as the professionalization and modernization of diplomatic institutions in the Ottoman Empire.