POLITICAL SCIENCE (SİYASET BİLİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Major Ideologies of Political Science: Liberalism, Socialism and Conservatism soru detayı:



How do liberalism and socialism differ from each other in terms of the debt we owe?


Whereas the criterion of liberalism is that debts are owed to the self, the criterion of socialism - the standard by which it judges entities, institutions and events - is that debts are owed to the self as constituted by society. This difference changes everything. For example, liberalism opposes the self to a system or structure, and then sees the rest of society as composed of selves also related to this system (and secondarily to each other). On the other hand, socialism takes the sociability of the self to be so fundamental that it cannot be abstracted from the self without error