BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS (İŞLETME BİLGİ SİSTEMLERİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi IT Components of Business Information Systems soru detayı:



How do you describe software?


Software is a set of instructions for a computer to follow to accomplish a user defined task. It can be thought as a set of orders assigned to a computer. Computers obey and follow the orders without any mistakes or exceptions. Software is written in a programming language, which is also a software. High level programming languages (e.g., Java and C#) offer instructions or commands that are close to natural language. Thus, the computer code written in the high-level programming language codes can be understood (to some extent) by non-programmers. Programming languages are some sort of communication media that are used to pass orders to a computer. Later on, a compiler transforms the computer code written in one of the programming languages into the machine language. Computers only understand the machine language. The interesting point is that, both programming languages and compilers are computer softwares.