Political Science
POLITICAL SCIENCE (SİYASET BİLİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Major Ideologies of Political Science: Liberalism, Socialism and Conservatism soru cevapları
POLITICAL SCIENCE (SİYASET BİLİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Major Ideologies of Political Science: Liberalism, Socialism and Conservatism soru detayı:
How does the criterion of socialism differ from that of liberalism?
Socialism adjusts the criterion of liberalism in such a way that it is radically altered. If the criterion of liberalism is that debts are owed to the self, then the criterion of socialism—the standard by which it judges entities, institutions and events—is that debts are owed to the self as constituted by society.