DIPLOMACY (DİPLOMASİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Diplomacy Practices of Global Powers soru detayı:



How does the growing chaos and anarchy in the Middle East and North Africa impact the EU?


The growing chaos and anarchy in the Middle East and North Africa also presents the EU with a very serious strategic challenge. The erosion of the decades-long territorial borders in these regions, particularly following the rise of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, not only puts the bilateral and multilateral relations that the EU has developed with the incumbent regimes in these regions in jeopardy but also presents the EU members with the problem of continuous migration. Figuring out how to deal with the emerging humanitarian problems in the spirit of EU’s multicultural and universal integration has proved to be a fallacy as EU members are still far away from adopting common policies that offer long-term solutions. Neither the well-established regional initiatives of the EU have been revised in the process of adaptation to the changing dynamics in the so-called greater Middle Eastern region nor has the EU adopted specific solutions to the emergent problems in the region from a strategic perspective.