FOREIGN POLICY ANALYSIS Dersi Foreign Policy Instruments of States (Diplomacy, Propaganda, Economic Methods) soru detayı:



How is the early Ottoman diplomacy?


The early Ottoman diplomacy was mainly based on Islamic law and its supremacy against the Christian powers of Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. The Sublime Port (Bâb-ı Âli – the Ottoman Government) received its first residential ambassador (bailo) from Venice in 1454, but did not send his first permanent representative abroad until 1793. At this time, the Ottoman state preferred sending its representatives based on the necessity rather than permanent residential capacity. The main reason of this choice was the fact of Ottoman military supremacy over other states, and also due to the belief that the Ottoman Sultan was supreme to other foreign rulers. Additionally, as the state of peace with infidels could not be conceived under the Islamic Law, peace arrangements with Christian powers of Europe were seen as transitionary nature, rather than permanent agreements, and thus permanent representatives could not be sent to states with which the Ottoman Empire was in war in theory if not in reality.