Busıness Fınance I
BUSINESS FINANCE I Dersi Working Capital Management soru cevapları
BUSINESS FINANCE I Dersi Working Capital Management soru detayı:
How many forms are there in the working capital in terms of the "time" perspective?
CEVAP: From the “time” perspective, the working capital is conceptualized in two different forms: Permanentand Temporary. Generally, each company, depending on the peculiarities of their business, has a stable amount of working capital requirement. The permanent working capital represents the minimum level of investment in the current assets that is carried by the business at all times to carry out its activities.
From the “time” perspective, the working capital is conceptualized in two different forms: Permanentand Temporary. Generally, each company, depending on the peculiarities of their business, has a stable amount of working capital requirement. The permanent working capital represents the minimum level of investment in the current assets that is carried by the business at all times to carry out its activities.