INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION AND GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Dersi International Organization and Global Governance soru detayı:



How many types of transnational organizations (TNOs) are there?


TNOs are divided into three types: genuine INGOs, hybrid NGOs, and trans-governmental organizations (TGOs). INGOs are organizations that only consist of non-governmental actors. The International Olympic Committee is a telling example of INGOs. International non-governmental organizations that consist of both governmental members and non-governmental members are characterized as hybrid INGOs. There is also a new trend that IGOs involve civil society representation through the participation of INGOs in their meetings. The UN’s global summits in environment issues clearly illustrate this point. Trans-governmental organizations, on the other hand, refer to the networks of cooperation between governmental actors that are not part of central foreign policy organs. The International Union of Local Authorities (IULA), the Interpol, or the Inter-Parliamentary Union are some examples of TGOs.