POLITICAL SCIENCE (SİYASET BİLİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Citizenship, Diversity and Integration in the Age of Globalization soru detayı:
How might multiculturalism lead to ethnocentrism, and what are some examples?
Multiculturalism assumes that cultures are
primordial, distinct, separate, fixed, and static.
According to this way of thinking cultures are
pure and have the risk of being polluted and
distorted when they interact with each other.
Swedish culture, German culture, Polish culture,
Norwegian culture, and all the other national
cultures should all remain intact in order not to
get degenerated. This assumption is actually a
continuation of the 19th century notion of culture,
which made it possible for the nation-states to
make their territorial boundaries according to their
national cultures at the time. This understanding
is an ethnocentric one, which inevitably leads to a
kind of hierarchy between cultures.