INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY (SOSYOLOJİYE GİRİŞ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Law, Deviance, Crime and Society soru detayı:



How would you define manners and customs?


Manners and Customs: The manners and customs are the social norms which arise spontaneously and gradually, though they are not explicitly put in place by any society, and which manage the relations within a society. Its sanctions are social pressures. The norms that have been repeated for a long time by the majority of the population and characterized by what we have mentioned are called the customs. The social norms, which are comprised of the same qualities and are subject to a very high degree of evaluation, are called the manners. The manners may include positive obligations, but the sanction of manners is stronger than the sanction of customs.