INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (ULUSLARARASI İLİŞKİLERE GİRİŞ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi The Historical Evolution of the International System soru detayı:
How would you explain " The Post - Cold War System "?
The end of the Cold War heralded the beginning of a new system, a new world order. The bipolar nature of the international system was no more. However, an international crisis erupted in the Middle East when Iraq invaded Kuwait. The United States intervened in this conflict, transforming the nature of the new system. An international consensus called for action by the UN to protect Kuwait, a member state, and a multi-national intervention force, made up of troops from many states from around the world, participated in the fight. This multi-national force effectively forced Iraq out of the invaded territories and restored Kuwait’s sovereignty. The United States had proved to be an effective leader, and nearly every other state viewed American as the sole international superpower.
This new role for the United States gave the system a unipolar character. As the former leader of the liberal bloc, the United States had the opportunity to bring a liberal peace to the system, and there was great hope that with the aid of its powerful military, the Americans would organize the international community
of states to solve the problems that had erupted at the end of the Cold War (Falk, 2004: 25-79).
The rest of the decade, however, did not unfold as expected. Civil wars broke out in Somalia, Bosnia, and Rwanda, and by the end of the 1990s the prestige of the United States had rapidly declined. The consent given to the American leader-ship had been seriously undermined. On the other hand, both the new Russian
Federation and China were on fast tracks, consolidating their power-base and eager to widen their sphere of influence. Although the United States still dominated the international system in economic, political, and military terms, the new rising powers meant that new confrontations were likely to occur.