BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (İŞLETME YÖNETİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Managerial Control soru detayı:



How would you summarize the importance of controlling in the management process?


Controlling helps managers to measure the effectiveness of their planning, organizing and leadership activities. If those prior functions are carried out well, generating positive responses to controls can be much easier. Conversely, if major problems exist in planning, organizing, and leading, controlling function will probably not work very well. In this sense, effective control is a managerial instrument that depends on the other functions that come before it. When these preceding functions work well, control will work well. When they don’t work well, control can become a major issue for a manager. As a result, controlling is the monitoring function of the management process and is critical for the success of other management functions.