INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS II (İKTİSADA GİRİŞ II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Equilibrium in the Economy soru detayı:



Please discuss the relationship between aggregate demand and Keynesian equilibrium.


The views of the classical model which guarantee full employment equilibrium were began to be questioned as a result of the long-term economic stagnation and the associated high unemployment during Great Depression that occurred in the
1930s. In order to solve this problem, British economist John Maynard Keynes argued that the economic equilibrium, as put forward by Classical economists, does not mean that the level of full employment income is provided at the same time. According to Keynes, equilibrium income can be achieved at the level of underemployment or
overemployment. What is important here is the level of aggregate demand.Since it is difficult to change the production capacity that determines aggregate supply in the short term, the level of income depends on aggregate demand or aggregate
expenditures. In other words, firms give their production decisions according to the expected aggregate expenditure or aggregate demand level. If the economic units plan to spend more, the sales expectations of the companies will increase and they will make more production. As it is seen, Keynes links the deviations from full employment
to the inadequacy of aggregate expenditures in the economy. Accordingly, full employment in the economy can be achieved by an adequate level of aggregate expenditure. Then, Keynesian theory criticizes the views expressed by Classics on
investment as a function of the interest rate and on wage-price elasticity.