INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS II (İKTİSADA GİRİŞ II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Basic Concepts and National Income Accounting soru detayı:
Please give information about the decade just before the birth of macroeconomics briefly.
Economists started to discuss the topics about macroeconomics as a result of economic events during the Great Depression in the 1930s. It is possible to say that there were no big problems in the world economy until the 1920s. During this period, people could easily find a job, earnings significantly increased and prices were relatively stable. But by the end of 1929, things suddenly started to go wrong. For example, in the USA in 1929, there were 1.5 million unemployed people, but in 1933, the figure folded ten times and reached 13 million unemployed people. On the other hand, while the US economy was producing goods and services worth of 103 billion dollars in 1929, the figure decreased 55 billion dollars in 1933. As a result of stock market crash in October 1929, individual wealth of billions of dollars were lost.