BUSINESS LAW (İŞLETME HUKUKU) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Company Law soru detayı:



Please mention the fundamentals of corporate governance under the Turkish Commercial Code (TCC).


Fundamentals of corporate governance under the TCC can be listed as in the following:
1. Corporate governance principles aim to maintain (i) transparency, (ii) fairness, (iii)
accountability, (iv) responsibility.
2. Transparency is required in (i) financial statements, (ii) boards of directors’ annual
reports, (iii) independent audits, (iv) transactional auditors, (v) all audit reports of individual companies and group of companies.
3. Fairness has been ensured by establishing a balance of interests and by objective justice.
4. Accountability is aimed to be provided with the requirements sought for the Board
of Directors reports, flow of information, right to information and oversight.
5. The rights of shareholders to sue, obtain information and perform oversight have
been created along with smooth-running legal mechanisms.
6. The minority rights have been expanded.
7. Privileged shares have been restricted.
8. Representation opportunities for group of shareholders and the minority in the Board
of Directors have been increased.
9. The Capital Markets Board has been provided with exclusive authority to
regulate corporate governance.
10. The publicly held companies are now obliged to publish corporate governance