Busıness Fınance Iı
BUSINESS FINANCE II (İŞLETME FİNANSI II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Medium and LongTerm Financing soru cevapları
BUSINESS FINANCE II (İŞLETME FİNANSI II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Medium and LongTerm Financing soru detayı:
SORU: The bond indenture is a legal document. It can run in several hundred pages. What kind of provisions does it usually include?
The bond indenture is a legal document. It can run in several hundred pages. What kind of provisions does it usually include?
CEVAP: The bond indenture is a legal document. It can run in several hundred pages it generally includes the following provisions:
The basic terms of the bonds.
The total amount of bonds issued.
A description of property used as security.
The repayment arrangements.
The call provisions.
Details of the protective covenants.
The bond indenture is a legal document. It can run in several hundred pages it generally includes the following provisions:
The basic terms of the bonds.
The total amount of bonds issued.
A description of property used as security.
The repayment arrangements.
The call provisions.
Details of the protective covenants.