Busıness Fınance Iı
BUSINESS FINANCE II (İŞLETME FİNANSI II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Medium and LongTerm Financing soru cevapları
BUSINESS FINANCE II (İŞLETME FİNANSI II) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Medium and LongTerm Financing soru detayı:
What are Medium-term and long-term loans used for?
CEVAP: Medium-term and long-term loans are used for financing business or municipal investments. Sometimes they are a combination of financing investments and operational costs related to these investments.
Medium-term and long-term loans are used for financing business or municipal investments. Sometimes they are a combination of financing investments and operational costs related to these investments.