MARKETING MANAGEMENT (PAZARLAMA YÖNETİMİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Pricing and Price Management soru detayı:



What are product mix pricing strategies?


There are six different product mix pricing strategies including product line pricing, by-product pricing, optional-product pricing, captive-product pricing, two-part pricing, and product bundle pricing.

In product line pricing, all the products in the line are considered.

By-product pricing involves products produced unintentionally as an output of the manufacturing process of the main product.

Optional-product pricing refers to accessory products sold with the main product.

Captive-product pricing refers to complementary products which are used with the main product such as a printer cartridge.

Two-part pricing includes a fixed fee and a variable usage fee. 

In product bundle pricing, less demanded products are sold together with highly demanded ones at a discounted price.