PSYCHOLOGY (PSİKOLOJİ) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Abnormal Behavior soru detayı:
What are psychosexual disorders?
Sexual disorders are examined in three categories. The first category involves disorders that need to be treated such as loss of sexual desire and impotance. Those commiting exhibitionism crime enjoy this action when people are scared or get shocked. In other words, the real aim is not assaulting the opposite sex. Pyschodynamic approach explains exhibitionism as a reaction to internal conflicts while other approaches suggest that it is a way for males lacking self-confidence to prove themselves. Another sexual disorder called “rape” rarely occurs as a result of an uncontrolled sudden drive. This action is often preplanned by the individual. The reasons of rape can be listed as follows:
• Hatred for opposite sex
• Wish to prove onself
• Wrong belief that the victim wants this action or encourages it to happen
• Regarding the other sex as an object.