ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY AND DESIGN (ÖRGÜT KURAMI VE TASARIMI) - (İNGİLİZCE) Dersi Fundamentals of Organizational Design soru detayı:



What are the advantages of A multidivisional form (M-form) of departmentalization?


The M-form has several advantages. The first of these is size. Multidivisional organizations consistently grow more extensive than their functional counterparts.  Large organizations can typically hire the best executives because most are attracted to the power and influence large organizations command, not to mention the salaries they offer. Furthermore, the resources that are under the control of large organizations give them more opportunities to broaden their competitive activities both domestically and abroad. Secondly, the M-form also provides better training for future executives than does the functional form and headquarters staff acquire broad-based experience that is unlikely to be gained within the functional form. Thirdly, the M-form offers enhanced responsiveness to the needs of customers because of the specialization allows greater focus on the businesses each division operates. Finally, the M-form provides for accountability based on divisional profits. The profitability of each independent division can be used to compare it with both internal and external competitors